Today, I woke up to snow on the ground - in APRIL! 😱
I didn't take this picture. It was too cold to go out and take pictures of my poor Lilly of the Valley! But still, there is snow on my flowers in April!
Not early April either, late April. Some may say, "but you live in Indiana, that's not completely crazy..." No, I live in Southern Indiana - on the Ohio River - just a few miles from "The South". We should NOT have snow on the ground in late April! 😧
But then God showed me something, because, you know - God Works in Mysterious Ways!
As I was walking downstairs to fix my morning coffee, I heard the birds chirping - just like I have for a while now - chirping like they do every Spring.
Then as I was reading my Bible I read this:
And then I looked at my Weather Channel app and saw that by tomorrow evening the wind will be shifting to the South - which brings warmer temps. Yay! Next Tuesday it's supposed to be in the 80s!
You see, the snow that is already melting is just temporary! The birds knew that - they didn't freak out and head south because of the snow - they carried on like they do every Spring morning. Everything in life is temporary just like this snow...
If you are in a dark place right now, remember, it's temporary!
I fought what we thought was fibromyalgia for 8 years, but it was only temporary! (you can read about that HERE)
If you're sick, it's temporary! If you're struggling financially, it's temporary! If you're dealing with teething babies, terrible twos, or moody tweens & teens - it's only temporary! Even if your trouble lasts your entire life, it's temporary!
The only thing that isn't temporary is your relationship with Christ. So, if you don't know Jesus, you should get to know him today! Because today is temporary, who knows what tomorrow will bring!
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