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Showing posts from August, 2020

I'm Not Crazy, My Husband Had Me Tested!

Coming up this week is the anniversary of the fulfillment of a huge miracle in my life.  I'd planned to share my story this week for a while now but after Pastor Wes Traweek's message,  Awaken the King , yesterday at my church, I really feel like the timing is perfect. Background information – sometime around 2011 I was “labeled” with fibromyalgia.   I never really thought the diagnosis was right but the doctors couldn’t find anything else to explain my problems, so the label stuck.   The traditional fibromyalgia medicines didn’t really work for me, so my doctor and I came up with several meds to treat my symptoms.   I was functional but I didn’t feel great.   I was on 3 controlled substance medicines and I hated that, but what could I do?   I just lived with it…   Fast forward to 2019 – As I've shared before, my son was getting married, I was struggling with stamina, pain, and migraines, and I didn’t know how I was going to be able ...

Positively Purple

It's been a little while since I posted anything on my blog.  Partly because I've actually been busy at work so I didn't need something to do to kill time...  but mostly it's because sitting at the computer, typing or using my mouse, has been a pain in the neck - literally!  Or maybe the shoulder, or arm, or elbow...  wherever it rears it's head, it hurts! 😬 Thankfully, because God Moves in Mysterious Ways , I have something new to help my aches and pains - my new bed!! Like I've mentioned before, we recently added on to our house and part of the addition is a new master suite.  Our old mattress was getting pretty rough to sleep on but we put off getting anything else so that we could get a new BIG bed when we had a new BIG room. So, last year we went mattress/bed shopping.   The pretty part, the frame, was easy to pick out, the rest not so much!  We tried out lots of mattresses and a few adjustable bases and at Denver Mattress we laid on a Purpl...